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Most people don’t realise how wasteful cotton wool really are. Cotton is often referred to as the world’s “dirtiest crop.” It only covers 2.5% of the world’s cultivated land, but it’s responsible for 24% of the worlds insecticide market and 11% sale of pesticides globally.

Then there are the labor practices associated with growing cotton. Did you know that over a million people in Uzbekistan are forced to pick cotton every year? The numbers include children too, which is pretty horrific.

When you think about it, all that cotton requires labor, water, and nutrients to grow, and we throw away probably millions (maybe billions) of cotton balls every year! Given that revelation, I decided to make my own.

I really want people to realize that living alternativelly is easy and feasible.

It's more economic in the long run and does promote a greater future for next generations.

Be creative, be innovative, be yourself.

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